About Us
The only USA manufacturer of Vertical Doors Conversion Kits (AKA Lambo Doors).
Vertical Doors Inc. is the premier manufacture of bolt-on Lamborghini door conversion kits for cars and trucks. We have been at it for over a decade. There is no comparison to our product. We refuse to sacrifice quality in order to cut costs. We are the only USA manufacture of Lamborghini door conversion kits. We are committed to bringing you the best Lambo door experience possible so that your vehicle can stand out from the rest and you can enjoy using our product every single day. Our friendly and knowledgeable sales reps are here 8-5 Monday-Friday to answer any questions you have from install/technical to sales related inquiries. We don't just do doors either. Ask us how we can become your one stop shop for all the customizing you want.
VDI Sales